On this page you’ll see a list of individuals, companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations who have had, or will have, a part to play in deciding if Scott County will move forward or away from a rail-trail project.
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Scott County Residents/Volunteers On Advisory Committee
Jimmy Barna Jr
Oneida resident and outdoorenthusiast
Tommy Bell
Virginia Bruce
Oneida - City of Oneida Community Development Coordinator
Paul Childres
Doug Ferguson
Anderson County resident, Scott County landowner, Avid cyclist and trail builder
Denise Keeton
Michael Keeton
Committee Chairman, Landowner
Dwayne King
Winfield - Partner in Tibbals Village redevelopment project
Michael Laxton
- President UCB Bank, outdoor enthusiast
Andrea McCracken
Huntsville - Landowner, Accountant, Owner of Hurricane Ridge
John McCracken
Huntsville - Landowner adjacent to corridor & Owner of Hurricane Ridge Lodge
Lyn Phillips
Don Stansberry III
Huntsville - Outdoor enthusiast
Michelle Walker Trieschmann
Oneida - Board Member Mountain People Health, Owner of Timber Rock Lodge
Ralph Trieschmann
Oneida - Chairman of the Oneida Industrial Development Board, Director on Scott County Chamber of Commerce, Owner of Timber Rock Lodge.
Echoes of the TN Rail Foundation
A non-profit organization created in Scott County to support the needs of the exploratory committee in legal and financial ways.
President - John McCracken
Vice President - OPEN
Secretary - Ralph Trieschmann
Treasurer - Tommy Bell
Organizations (Agencies, Companies and Nonprofits) with interests or expertise related to the project
Federal Surface Transportation Board (STB)
Federal agency, created in 1995 to replace the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), who has jurisdiction over railroad ROW ownership transfers. It is this agency that has a current ruling holding that the TN Railroad be railbanked for potential Rail-to-Trail development.
RJ Corman Railroad
Current owners of Right of Way, R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC is a privately owned railroad services and short line operating company headquartered in Nicholasville, Kentucky, with field locations in 22 states. It was owned by Richard J. Corman, who established the company in 1973, and ran it until his death on August 23, 2013.
National Salvage
Company contracted by RJ Corman to remove rails and ties from the rail bed and to repair the bed to a point of physical and environmental safety. They have been given authority to negotiate the transfer of ownership of the ROW on behalf of RJ Corman. This group could be considered as contractor to build a trail if that is desired.
Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning (TCWP)
An Oak Ridge based volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation of wild places and waters through protection, advocacy, stewardship, and education.
This organization filed the initial request with the Federal Surface Transportation Board to have the ROW railbanked as a possible Rail-to-Trail program. Their interest lies in preserving the wilderness along the New River valley.
Rails to Trails Conservancy (RTC)
At Rails to Trails Conservancy, we are building a nation connected by trails. We reimagine public spaces to create safe ways for everyone to walk, bike and be active outdoors.
Trust for Public Land (TPL)
National nonprofit organization hoping to create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.
They could become a source of funding or at least expertise for evaluating our project.
TennGreen Land Conservancy (TLC)
TennGreen Land Conservancy (formerly the Tennessee Parks & Greenways Foundation) empowers landowners and communities to protect large, connected natural areas that support diversity of life, inspire appreciation of nature, and spark action to protect the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the land that sustains us all.
Cumberland Trails Conference (CTC)
The mission of the Cumberland Trails Conference is to provide paid and volunteer labor, equipment, supplies and vehicles to design and construct the Cumberland Trail under the auspices of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
The ROW being considered for a rail-trail would cross the Cumberland Trail meaning both trails would compliment one another.
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA)
As much of the land where the TN Railroad runs is managed by the State of TN, the TWRA will need to be involved in some capacity, though they have been quoted as saying the prefer not to be tasked with maintaining a new trail.
The Mission of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is to preserve, conserve, manage, protect, and enhance the fish and wildlife of the state and their habitats for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the citizens of Tennessee and its visitors. The Agency will foster the safe use of the state's waters through a program of law enforcement, education, and access.