Comments and Feedback about the paths ahead

Results as of 2/17/25 at 5:50 pm - chart will be updated often as more surveys are completed. To add your opinion go to the bottom of this page. Some commenters have left more than one comment, but the survey represents only 1 vote per person.

Should we as a community explore the idea of preserving the old railroad with a pedestrian/bike only trail?


Here are the comments people have posted to this site, shown as written and without editing - but names were removed for privacy and anonymity.

These are independent notes listed in order received, with the most recent appearing at the top.

This area is not designed as a place to respond to other people’s comments - all opinions are welcome and valid.

Please note, if you have posed a question, the answer may have been put on the FAQ section of this site. Vulgar comments or those specifically requesting not to be published have not been included.

Feb 17, 2025

  • This would be a great family activity to get exercise and fresh air. This would also be a financial opportunity for this to bring growth to this area in a positive way and also create jobs. Scott County could offer a bicycle shop which would provide more jobs.

Feb 13, 2025

  • I heard that residents along the line are opposed to it, but I am looking forward to it becoming a trail for public use.

  • Country folk don't live in the city limits for a reason. You all should be ashamed that your greedy is taking precedence over their right to privacy. You all are greedy. Out of town people's comments and voted SHOULD NOT BE COUNTED.

Feb 3, 2025

  • I’m interested in the future of Scott Co

Feb 2, 2025

  • Since the Virginia Creeper trail recently received 600 million dollars to rebuild after Helene, it shouldn’t be an issue to fund this project. This is a wonderful business opportunity plus adding a trail other communities would love to have.

JAN 29, 2025

  • The Virginia Creeper Trail saved Damascus. It would be a great addition to the region.

  • I visit this area often. Seems like a great idea to have a walk/bike trail in this beautiful area.

Jan 28, 2025

  • I think this is a wonderful opportunity for our community. I say this as a landowner whose property is adjacent to the proposed trail.

Jan 27, 2025

  • I have road 1000+ miles on rail-trails in Michigan and Virginia. They draw local families and out of town cyclists who enjoy exercise and beautiful surroundings. My observation is that trail users are very responsible folks who respect both the trail and adjacent landowners.

    I think it would be wonderful to have a trail in Scott County and I would use it regularly.

  • How can our county deny this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make history and give our residents something so special? To fail to preserve history, nature, and this wonderful space in our county is a travesty. We need to rethink our vision for the future for our county for our children and grandchildren, and give them something to be proud of!

  • As a Scott County Tn native with a disabled daughter not ever being able enjoy the already existing abundance of walking trails we have in the Big South Fork with my child is very heart breaking. I understand the value of land preservation but I also understand fairness. That being said not everyone will be physically to walk this trail that will lead to some of the most breathtaking scenery and historical sites in our community. The rail bed unlike most of the trails in the Big South Fork is basically flat. That makes this a unique opportunity for our all of citizens. It would be idea for our people with minor disabilities, our elderly citizens, our children with bicycles ect. It would make it the only opportunity for our citizens with disabilities that restrict them from walking, if and only if, special provisions were provided to accommodate these individuals. I would hope that this be taken into serious consideration, moving forward. I’m sure I’m not alone in this. There are a lot of citizens that would really love to enjoy the benefits of being able to endeavor in the indefinite recreational opportunities that this will provide.

Jan 26, 2025

  • Without positive growth, a town will die. The towns of Oneida and Huntsville have seen the preludes of death by the closings of several factories and businesses in the past. A pedestrian/bike trail is a win for everyone, giving families a safe place to walk and also to bike together. This area’s notoriety is based on recreation. This walkway may even bring new business to the area, maybe a bike shop, restauarants, etc., another win for everyone. Maybe in an area that parallels the highway, they could make a parking area for area food trucks to stop and service walkers and bikers who could stop and get a snack. This would be a free area for the food trucks to set up when not scheduled to be elsewhere. Therefore, you would almost always have one or more food truck(s) available there…another small business helped by the walkway/bike way.

    Positive change brings opportunities.A very rare and incredible opportunity for our community in unlimited ways. Let’s be smart Scott County. Ah hails for rails to trails!

Jan 24, 2025

  • Great and needed. We want this!

  • My wife and I recently moved to Scott County from Savannah Georgia where we enjoyed a variety of 'rails to trails' locally. We are avid cyclist and hikers and I think this would be an incredible addition to the wonderful natural resources that surround Scott and adjacent counties.

Jan 23, 2025

  • Scott County citizens want a bike trail when Scott county Government are ruining a once in a lifetime opportunity. 257 signed petition against is 1% of the Scott County population!! Please listen to the other 99% that want a family bike trail!!

  • Absolutely

Jan 22, 2025

  • This would be great. All we currently have are atv trails. This would diversify our tourism appeal. Plus the chances of being hit by a drunk bicyclist on the wrong side of the road seem pretty small.

  • Have family property adjoining the trail.

  • I think it should be a state park, so that it’ll easily get all the resources and security it needs for such a long trail.

  • I don't not approve of this and will not allow this trail in my backyard!!! If you don't have adjoining land to the old railroad, then you don't get a say. Simple as that! And i'll do whatever is necessary to protect my family.

  • It should revert back to the landowner!

    Jan 21, 2025

  • It’s unfair to those who worked hard to pay and take care of the property, for others to destroy..

  • It should go back to landowners

  • I wouldn’t want anyone riding or anything on my property!!

  • Please pursue this public bike trail!!

Jan 20, 2025

  • I strongly support a rail trail. Look at all the folks who enjoy the Virginia Creeper and the economic benefits for Damascus and Abington, Virginia.

  • This would be a fantastic asset to these impoverished areas. I’ve spent time on/ travel to and spent considerable money at several rail to trail attractions in the eastern US, including the Virginia Creeper, WV Greenbrier River trail and the O&W trail.

  • I think a rails to trails conversion is a great idea.

Jan 19, 2025

  • A Rail-to-Trail here would be fantastic and amazing.

  • Awesome, beautiful part of Tennessee.

  • I fully support the return of the right of way to public use through the rails to trails program and will participate as necessary to make this a reality.

  • As a resident of South Knoxville, I would encourage this conversion. After all the good that cycling infrastructure has done for my community, I would strongly encourage other communities to adopt bike friendly and pedestrian friendly amenities. Not only does this give residents a chance to enjoy the outdoors, but it can also bring in tourism dollars and encourage business development in the area.

  • As a former resident of Scott County and an avid mountain biker now living in Anderson county, I fully support this initiative! It will be a huge asset to the surrounding areas and residents.

  • I strongly support the creation of a rails to trails project along this 41 mile stretch of beautiful land. It will bolster the local economy, provide a valuable community resource to encourage folks to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors, and will create a regional attraction to bring in tourists and associated jobs. I’m a resident of Knoxville, and an avid hiker and biker - I visit Frozen Head and Big South Fork often, and ride my bike around Caryville, Smokey Junction and nearby areas frequently. I can envision a trail like this being a place I would visit often, and stop along the way for refreshments and food. The nearby Virginia Creeper trail has been an enormous benefit for the people of southwest VA, and I hope the good people of Scott County can see that kind of success as an example of what a trail could do for these communities. I hope this community is successful in getting this project built and funded through federal and state grants.

Jan 18, 2025

  • This would be the greatest thing to ever happen to Scott County.

  • I have been associated with many trail developments. More often than not there is a lot of opposition. In every case, every case, the people who live close by are the biggest fans of the trail. Education is the key. Thanks for sharing your platform.

Jan 17, 2025

  • Seems like a great opportunity for a county that doesn’t receive many.

  • I own approximately 80 acres of farm agricultural preserved land and forest. Paint rock Creek and multiple other tributaries run smack through the middle of this awesome property. And, so does the now defunct old Tennessee railroad right of way. I, as do many other rural and agricultural land owners along the abandoned railroad, steward our own property. We do not want or need the city of Oneida, or any other government agency, to do it for us, by superseding our fee simple title from us. By creating a propped up rails to trails LLC, they will do just that. Our rights to our own properties will be in control of non-land owners! This is between us and railroad owner RJ Corman, who should, alongside us, have to show fee simple ownership to everyone of the rights of way before we will give it up! Jesus said the meek shall inherit the Earth. He meant those who are humble, gentle and patient even when facing adversity. I find the people of these hills and hollers to be a strong, determine lot. I do not think that they will give up their land easily. Nor should they. It is ours! I often walk with my dog back by the old railroad. It is a serene and quiet preserve. We, as landowners, have the right to keep and protect it. I truly believe that this rails to trails is a well orchestrated land grab schemed up by people who have no right or vested interest in our land, nor are they concerned with preserving its natural, untamed beauty. Government agencies own and manage more than 500,000,000 acres of land, which should accommodate plenty of public land to have people use for biking and hiking.

  • I think it would be a great idea.

  • I think the land should revert back to the landowner. All the folks that are pro trail, do any of you own any of said land?? Are any of you going to be directly affected by these trails which will allow the public to walk/ride right through your land? Some of these “trails” will be going within a few feet of people’s homes, cutting through their fields/farms. I encourage all those that are pro trail, section off a 100 ft wide trail directly through the center of any property you own and then open it up to public use. I don’t know ANYONE that would want that to happen regardless of how much “tourism” it would bring to this county. And honestly, just how much benefit would it be?? Zero. If people want to come to Scott county for trails, there are miles and miles of trails at BSF and TWRA that are public use.

  • We are property owners on this rail line and purchased this land end of last June. beginning of July, The salvage company started ripping up the railroad ties. My husband walked over to the operator and questioned what he was doing, and we found out that the rail line was being removed. This abandoned rail line runs right through our property For quite a distance, just under 3 acres worth of land., and they left a horrible mess, including knocking down fence posts with cattle fencing and barbed wire on it claiming it was on their land and they didn’t care. Since they abandoned that line, there has been nothing but garbage, old furniture, and cars and trucks running through there at all different speeds and times of night. There have been poachers which we have seen driving slowly in their cars with their orange on after dusk (you know who you are) looking to shoot deer. After seeing that we have been putting up no trespassing, signs and purple paint stripes on our trees. We don’t want anyone shooting deer on our property. I heard from a neighbor that four deer were found slit open on the ground just past our property and just left there to rot after the prime cuts of meat were cut off of them. This is what is coming to this abandoned rail line.. we also have a very large barn that runs along the abandoned line which someone took upon themselves to enter after undoing the chain and opening the gate and leaving it that way.Very few ATVs are on that trail because it’s boring. It’s a long flat trail. They choose to go up the hills. We bought this land so that we could, if we so choose, hunt on our own land and make target practice. By putting a walking/biking trail in there, this affects our land use immensely. We don’t want to see bike and walking marathons and races going through our property. That’s not why we bought 80 acres here in Oneida. We don’t want to see all the garbage that’s left behind And believe me people will be knocking over Porta John’s because they think it’s funny. We don’t need complaints that on our own property, people don’t like to hear target practice as they walk or ride by. This is a land grab, and if Corman is so right to state that they own that property on the right of way, and that’s all it is is a right of way, then why don’t they just produce documents that tell all of the property owners just that. The answer to that is because they don’t have them. We are being forced to defend ourselves by having to research our properties back to the 1800s. It is an extremely time-consuming and grueling effort on a home/property owners part. Not far from that rail line on our property we have a 2 acre pond that is home to a great blue heron, kingfisher, raccoons, beavers, different types of fish, bluebirds, deer, Cardinals, all types of birds, murders of crows, a falcon landed on our fence post, owls, one of which we had to save and now he stays around our property flying through the trees. He’s very thankful we saved his life. Where will these beautiful creatures go? Why do you people want your urban sprawl/ suburban sprawl brought into this perfect environment?, I have pictures of all of them, as well as pictures of the garbage and debris left on that rail line. What is the environmental impact on my property of having a paved path andpeople now walk-through and disturb the animals and birds that call this property their home. It’s a heartbreaking thought for me that these, God‘s creatures, will need to find another home because The public feels they are entitled to be intruding on it. The Oneida city Park has a beautiful walking track on it. There’s no need for walkers to come through our rural properties and gawk at us and linger taking pictures. Please, this has given me sleepless nights since I found out about it last week. It was kept close under wraps for at least four months from the homeowners. Keep your walking paths in the cities and towns that you bought your homes in. Why come into the last lands that are wild and bring your urban suburban sprawl.? The only people profiting from this are the business owners and politicians of the town. Think about that. businesses in Oneida will profit from this. But the impact on the lands is damaging and permanent, and I ask you do you really believe this is worth it? To your own self be true.

  • The tracks go right through my front yard and completely around the one side of our property We DO NOT WANT ANY TYPE OF TRAIL SYSTEM Give the adjacent adjoining land owners FIRST opportunity to obtain the railroad property

  • I have lived down here for over thirty years. I have deeds that go back as far as the late 1800 and nowhere in the deeds that I have stated that the railroad owns the property. They only have an easement and a right a way to the rail bed but the landowners property’s that is adjacent to the railroad. It so definitely go back to the land owners. Letting this happen will be the biggest mistake the county has ever done.

  • I don't want people on my property.

  • This should go back to land owners it is 5 ft from my back door and no one around wants this it’s just going to be trouble in the long haul

  • The land should go back to us land owners. Personally we do not want this trail. It looks more like a road for side by sides than for walkers and bikers. They say it will help the community. We live on the Campbell county side and there is not a store or gas station within a 10 mile radius. Give us back our land.

  • A I said in the meeting that I attended that I do not want you people here and will not change my position. The land owners that I been in contact with take the same position and we will do what it takes to keep you out.

  • Support the landowners in their fight. They are a big part of your community. Our county can't afford the trail or the means to police it and maintain it.

  • Would love for the rails to trails to happen

  • Bottom line is I think this is an issue between the landowners and the railroad. If the land was taken by the railroad and not bought, then it should revert back to the landowner. If the land was originally bought by the railroad, then the landowner should have first offer on the purchase. Once that process is decided, then and only then should the issue be decided, again, by the landowners.

  • This could be tremendous boon for Scott County tourism. Agree that it should only be for hiking and biking. I have worked with and enjoyed using rails to trails projects in Minnesota and Ohio. I am currently a Scott County resident and would love to see this project moved forward.

  • If properly enforced and maintained strictly for bicycles this could be a boost to tourism. Having been on the Virginia Creeper I can say it has been a huge tourism draw for that area.

  • This is a golden opportunity for this county to take advantage of. The many long term pro’s easily outweigh the con’s.

  • This is a great opportunity for Scott County and Tennessee tourism. We need the tourism jobs for our county.

Jan 16, 2025

  • Here’s 4 things it’ll do. 1. It’ll attract tourists, who will spend their money here, maybe a local can even set up a shop to accommodate them. 2. It’ll make landowners safer. Instead of a few criminal locals causing them stress, an official trail would give the area security from something like bike patrols, and trash can be picked up by maintenance. 3. Assuming the trail had adequate funding, security and maintenance could open jobs for locals. 4. It’ll provide fun for tourists and locals from all ages, as well as healthy exercise.

  • I am excited that this is a possibility. I don’t think some people realize that the crime on this trail would go down because it would be monitored unlike it is now. People let their anger dictate their thought processes and don’t see what good would come out of it. This would open a lot of doors for a lot of people in our community.

  • It’ll be like the Tweetsie Trail. People are losing their marbles and saying awful things to supporters of this. It’ll be just as beautiful as Tweetsie thanks to the New River

  • Land should return to the owner

  • An opportunity not to be missed.

Jan 15, 2025

  • I believe it would be a neat addition to our county.

  • I would love for this to be in our county

  • It should happen.

  • It would be nice to have something like this in the county. I travel to other states and counties to experience things like this whenever I could experience something like this in my county. I feel that there would need to be some oversight to ensure that the trails are not being vandalized or trashed.

  • I wish my father were still alive! He told stories of "riding" the trains as a youngster. I believe he would love the idea of walking or biking the route that the train ran all those years ago. I believe this is a wonderful idea that would have great benefits for our town. I hope to see our community "hop on board."

    Jan 14, 2025

  • We need this for our youth. Can there be a 6 year proposal, then reevaluate with the land owners? One year to build, 5years in business to help calm the current land owners. This will work once they see the benefits !!

  • Interested in rail to trail information

  • The land should go back to the land owners. No one wants atv's or people walking through thier land or close to thier house in some cases It will cause theft and property damages from people coming into our county. We already have to many coming in to ride as it is that go by at all hours of the night with lound music and sound exhausted. Give the land back to the people

  • Please no ATV ! They destroy everything they get on.

  • Yes

  • Scott county needs this one in a lifetime experience.

  • I envision a community with family-friendly access to enjoy our county's natural beauty through biking activities. I hope that misinformation or lack of understanding among landowners will not hinder this initiative, which would greatly benefit our community. The primary concern regarding ATV usage will be addressed, as they will not be permitted, to the best of my knowledge. The Virginia Creeper Trail serves as an exemplary model. A small town that has preserved its charm while generating substantial revenue and fostering invaluable community experiences, such as family bonding and appreciation for nature.

  • I have had the absolute pleasure of living along the Lake Champlain bike path (former rails). It was such a central part of the community. In Spring, families would ride the path looking at wildflowers while kids splashed in puddles. In Summer people would whisk by working out on bikes or in sneakers, often in new friend groups. High school kids took photos there. Even in winter people would x-country ski. I also used the similar trail networks in Boulder, Colorado and Anchorage, Alaska (Campbell creek greenbelt). Every trail was a wonderful addition to the community. I never saw crimes being committed. They were always safe.

    This project would bring the same positive changes to our communities.

  • Please explore. We should have local control vs possibly having it sold to an outside entity in its entirety. I have personally ridden (bike) 130 miles of the Katy Trail in Missouri. We lived near it, used it often (walking and biking) and it absolutely positively affected the small towns and neighborhoods where it passed through in some of the most rural areas of Missouri. Providing a flat, navigable trail would be able to be used by ALL ages and abilities (vs trail hiking or mountain biking).

  • This is a wonderful opportunity for our county. Not only does it provide another park to our community but a legacy to leave future generations.

    Jan 13, 2025

  • Please explore

  • Could be a good thing for all of the counties involved. I have been on several rail trails in various parts of the country and all were fun experiences. If the communities have the courage to accept something new and look at what can be gained instead of focusing on what they might lose, then it will be a positive experience for our visitors. Other parts of America--including declining coal mining areas in Appalachia--have benefitted from similar projects. People who pursue family-friendly outdoor recreation will gladly pay monies into the area as they anticipate a memorable journey and will often explore the nearby cultures and unique history. It is an opportunity for our community to shine. A decent place to stay, lots of food, and hospitable, happy country folk is what they are looking for.

  • I think this is a great opportunity for Scott County! Rails to trails projects have a real positive impact on communities.

    Jan 12, 2025

  • We do not need another trail system

  • I believe that the land owners along the abandoned railway should have the land returned to them!

  • Hi, I'm …., My husband, … and I were able to make it to the first PUBLIC meeting 1/12/25. Like everyone else our issues with this are the same. Most importantly is the safety of our children. Nothing will trump that, if this trail is approved then their backyard is no longer safe. My daughter loves basketball and is fortunate enough to have a goal, with a paved area, in HER backyard will no longer be safe. What if her basketball rolls down to the trail? My son who loves to fly his toys and play with his remote trucks will no longer play in his own backyard. I know him all to well he likes his privacy. We're one of the fortunate ones, we are able to walk down to the river and fish or swim. We won't be able to even enjoy any of those simple things. All because of outsiders!!! Our land value goes up, well so does taxes and homeowners insurance. Don't take away our childrens safety and our joy.

  • I think any and all discussion of making this a public hiking/biking trail should cease immediately. The property should be turned back over to the land owners! This is an invasion of privacy for anyone and everyone who lives along this railroad line. This opens an avenue for people to trespass on our properties, and our neighbors property. It also could open even more of an avenue for criminal activity to occur, including but not limited to: drug use, drug sales, theft, vandalism, etc.

  • Landowners don’t want it. For the safety of our children and grandchildren. You never know who is on the trail it could be a rapist murderer or even a sex offender. We need to do the right thing and stop this from happening in our backyards

  • No. My family and I have already seen the negative effects this is going to have. Since the removal of the rails we have had thousands of dollars of theft. This is simply just an easy access point to our personal property that will be made even more accessible for vandalism. Our county does not want to fund the maintenance of this 41 mile project at all, so there really is nothing to be done except revert the property back to all landowners or give the option to buy. If for some reason this does become reality, my family will have no choice but to build a fence (one you cannot see through) to protect our 600+ acre land against trespassers and potentially more theft. This is already an atv destination and there will be no way to monitor atv/sxs use on the trail and if putting a gate up doesn’t stop people, than neither will rock barriers. This project may be great for other counties but Scott County isn’t one of them.

  • Before you few “decide” what is best for our community and use our tax dollars in the form of grants to fund it, you need to think about if you would want it in your backyard.

  • Since the removal of the ties we have had countless of people trespassing on our property. Within weeks we had a lock cut from our building and a generator and kayak stolen. Around $3000 worth of items we worked hard for. We are absolutely against this rails to trails and pray that the property reverts back to property owners like it was meant to do. We already have BSF and Brimstone recreation in our front door and back door and people need to utilize what is already here instead of causing more harm to peoples property and privacy.

  • I want the committee to explore getting the property back to the landowners. All efforts need to be focused there first.